Ankle Pain

Ankle Sprains

The ankle joint is supported by a number of stabilising ligaments on the outside and inside of the joint. Various occupational and sporting and sporting injuries can lead to these ligaments becoming strained, torn or in some cases ruptured. Without correct diagnosis and rehabilitation of these injuries ongoing issues can be seen including pain and instability. We offer a full range of physical therapy, braces, moon boots and rehabilitation plans to assist patients overcome these injuries.

Posterior Tibial Tendon Dysfunction

The foot and ankle is supported by a strong muscle called the tibialis posterior. Over time the tendon associated with this muscle can begin to fatigue and become thickened and inflamed leading to damage. When this tendon is damaged its ability to support the foot reduces, leading to a progressive collapse and flattening of the arch and ankle. This condition is painful and often associated with reduced mobility and function. If recognised early this condition can be managed with various footwear, orthotic supports and rehabilitation exercises. In the later stages other treatment options including Ankle foot bracing, Corticosteroid injection or surgical referral is warranted.

Os Trigonum Syndrome

The os trigonum is a small accessory bone at the back of the ankle joint. Due to injury, ankle sprains or impingement of this bone, people can sometimes experience pain when the foot is pointed forward or with prolonged standing, walking or running. Treatments vary depending on the size and extent of damage and include footwear modification, bracing, orthoses pain management injections (corticosteroid) and in some cases referral to a podiatric surgeon is symptoms persist.

Tarsal Coalitions

A tarsal coalition is an abnormal connection of two or more bones in the foot. Typically this diagnosis is made during the adolescent years and the bones of the foot become fully developed and there is an increased demand due to sport or other activity. An accurate diagnosis often requires a targeted physical examination with confirmation via xray or MRI. Our podiatrists have experience is recognizing this condition and implementing a treatment plan that suits the location and type of coalition that is present.

Achilles tendonitis

The achilles is the strong thick tendon that attaches our calf to our foot. Due to calf contracture, weakness and overuse this tendon becomes damaged leading to pain at its attachment to the heel or along the midsubstance position. This common condition can easily become chronic leading to pain and restriction of the lower leg and foot. Various treatment modalities can help reduce load on the tendon and allow repair including heel raises, footwear, orthotic inserts,dry needling, anti inflammatory drugs, night splints, ESWT and massage.

Sinus Tarsi Syndrome

The sinus tarsi is an open tunnel that forms between the talus and the calcaneus bones on the outside of our foot and ankle. Due to repetitive compression from a flat foot , damage to the overlying ligaments, arthritis or formation of space occupying lesions such as ganglions people can develop a condition called Sinus Tarsi Syndrome. This condition can cause ongoing pain, swelling and restriction in the outside of the ankle. It is imperative that the underlying damage to the sinus tarsi is accurately diagnoses so that effective treatment can be provided